On a cold day you would use a 24 plug. This means that the plug conducts heat away slower. Conversly, a 31 will conduct heat away much more rapidly and keep and combustion chamberand the plug cool. The hot/cold terminology is confusing. If your plug is burning white, have a look at the piston crown with a torch and also look up the exhaust header, as this will give more clues to what is happening in the engine. Is the coolant temperature stable, or is it overheating. Does the engine pop. Check the reed block gasket as it may have been torn or nipped and is letting air past. Have you had the radiator off and forgotten to tighten the bolts. Does it tick over or does the engine attempt to rev up when started. The most likely culprit will be the reed block area. Look for a tear in the rubber that hold the carb to the reed block. It may have been damaged by someone/thing leaning on the carb or it may be perishing.