Christian, go back to basics and check EVERYTHING! A process of elimination... Is the battery charged? Is it cranking over quickly, do you have a good spark, is it a new plug - yes to all these then start to look at carburation. Take the airbox off and check throttle movement - does the slide return properly to its base and lift up when you depress the throttle? Yes? OK, have you blown into the fuel tank breather to get fuel into the carb? Does fuel go in the carb when you blow in the breather? Yes? Then is the carb leaking (would indicate floats stuck)? Is the choke lever in the down position? Is the fuel OK - has the kart been standing for a while? If so, the fuel could have gone off and needs to be replaced. If you have done all these checks and it still won't fire, open the bung on the bottom of the carb and catch a small amount of fuel in a suitable receptacle. Replace the bung and blow into the breather again then remove the spark plug and pour a few drops of fuel directly into the cylinder head (about 1 or 2 cc will do it), replace the plug and lead and then try again to start it. If it fires but will not run, then you have a problem with the carb, if it doesn't fire, it's ignition related.
As Sherlock Holmes would say, eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth...
Hope this helps?
Kind regards