Hi Eifion,
This often happens with a novice driver. it's because they are using the throttle and brake at the same time, either when stationary or on the track.
The clutch should be replaced, as (knowing in the light of past experience) failure is sure to follow.
A clutch worn in this way will cause the engine to rev more before it engages, but the chances are that the metal will crack at the end of the radial slots (where the holes are drilled) or heat generated will weaken the adhesive holding the linings, causing them to detach.
You will need a proper tool to extract the clutch, which can be bought for little cost from JM Engineering at PFI.
Do NOT attempt to remove the clutch without the proper tool, you will almost certainly damage the crankshaft.
Change it, or you are sure to regret not doing so later!