Mmm. Hoots. I think you are missing my point.
you are not allowed to use machined or oversize clutch drums etc. they are simply outside of the rules and therfore carry a strong penalty, there is no middle ground. or confusion. The grease serves to hide what is going on, however you seem to suggest that it is okay to use the grease in a way which actually illegal because it helps you out with the cheats, I feel this is a dangerous road to wander down you are willing to compromise what you do in order to satisfy the cheats.
It must always be that techical specs are to be adheared to, therfore if you get caught with a machined drum or a welded spring then you should have your results for that year stripped and lets say a 2K fine.
and you are forgetting the clutch was never designed to be a wet clutch, so soon we will be at the stage KF3 were in where there are disposable ones.
and how do you make out it is fair that one guy can get hold of aircraft grade grease worth 300 a tin and another only 2.50 per tin.
we have to accept that cheating is a minority, therefore if we have a field of 20 juniors and somebody is 4 tenths quicker especially out of the tight stuff then questions/protests will in order.
GREASE IS NOT THE ANSWER, and it makes you a crappy lazy driver, at least in junior and mini from what i have seen.