As a driver in Easykart I've certainly not found it boring :) I find there does tend to be a lot of wheel to wheel racing going on all the way through the pack. With 0.5s separating 20+ identical karts it's always going to be close. The telling thing is that the grid order and the A final results are generally very different!
Of course there is a certain thrill from short mixed grid heats (I've used that format in most of my racing experience) .. but it also does add much more lottery element. I'm sure heats are much more entertaining for spectators, but I'm looking at this purely from a drivers perspective.
Personally I really enjoy the longer races - you have a chance to get into a rhythmn and hunt someone down ahead of you ... or battle race long with other drivers of similar pace ... and even if you have misfortune on your first lap - there is enough time to claw back a respectable finish. Both systems have their merit, but I'm thoroughly enjoying my racing at the moment :) Ultimately it will come down to personal preference.
I agree the Easykart isn't as adjustable and doesn't have some of the detailing as some karts in other classes .. but of course that is reflected in the price. An easykart complete with engine new costs a similar amount to just a rolling chassis in other classes. The easykart motor particularly though is excellent - reliable, consistent, easy to maintain and gives good power delivery throughout the rev range.
I think the biggest thing that divides people over the class is the travelling. With a championship covering 7 circuits as far apart as Wales, Dorset, Cumbria and Norfolk you do get good variation - but at the cost of time on the road. From what I have heard I think that its very unlikely we'll see easykart racing alongside other classes any time soon.