Thank you for the advice guys the figures are not totally accurate but the outcome would have been the same I actually believe a new 09 engine out of the box is about �1090 including the vat I actually believe my engine would sell for more than �300 more like �450-500 on eBay ultimately the spend figure was still the same �600 the question was-- how do I spend it? I have built the rebuild figure into my karting budget and intended to spend it, Bod through a spanner in the works by pointing out that it wasn't necessary, and I admit if I can get this engine through this year without failure it would be money well saved, unfortunately I have had an engine which was less than a year old with only a fraction of the hrs it should have been capable of, completely destroy itself!! maybe I should have asked the question like this
I am going to spend �600 pounds on my engine do I 1) get it rebuilt by one of the top engine builders 2)buy a brand new one out of the box
ultimately the question is---------which is best?