I'll be totally up front and honest with you I haven't got the slightest idea why/how seat stays should work, I have probably more knowledge about the Indian rope trick. But I know that they work because we have tested them. After being totally dismayed at the lack of paice we had on a brand new Storm Kart, we started from the word go with seat stays fitted because a very respected team principle told us that we should run them. We worked through many things, track widths, rear axle widths, ride heights etc. and all the time I was thinking 'oh god I've wasted �1500 on a kart that doesn't work'. Half way through practice this weekend we started to get to grips and put in some nice times including fastest overall lap on race day. During this process we removed the stays and it went SLOWER definately! When we reached the point that we had a good setup we removed them again, it went SLOWER, no doubt! So whilst I can't tell you how/why they work I can tell you that they do. I have only tried 1 per side but am now very tempted to try more, and as I had 4 free with the kart, when we get time that is what i shall do. Having said all this I am also convinced that certain setups work for some drivers and not others which is one reason I prefer to test.