Now i am confused. Basicly the pad would be pushed onto the caliper of there was too much fluid in the reservoir( or system). Maybe the guy that sold it to you bled the brakes etc, but left anlittle too much in the reservoir. Ir shld be only 1/2 full. The reservoirs are the 2 silver cups on the brakes, the master cylinder. BUT, this would cAuse the pad to be stuck on!
OR, what you think is a problem actually isnt. The cLiper gets hot as you use the brakes always. My pad looks very close to the cLiper, but its not actually touching.
Did u feel the brakes were on even though u werent pressing the brakes?
U probably dont need to change a thing. Sort that seal out, dnt worry about those marks. Search mu username for the guide. Good luck.
DONT overtighten anything to do with the caliper, its madenof soft magnesium. So beware of the bleed nipples!