Where did you get the statistics of 50%? You have been SPANKED and it was rather easy. Anyway:Bernoulli's principle states the faster a fluid is moving the more its internal pressure decreases. The faster a fluid is moving the less it is pushing back out on anything that might be exerting pressure on it.
Choking may, incidently, cut down on the amount of air that gets into the cylinder, but restricting the amount of air is not the point of choking. What it does is to require the same amount of air to try to get into the cylinder through a smaller opening, because to do this the air must increase its speed.
The now faster air has a great deal less internal pressure and, like all low pressure systems, it sucks things in from the higher pressure systems it is in contact with. It entrains things into its flow. In the situation under discussion gas vapor is entrained in an amount proportionatly higher to the increase in velocity of the "choked" airflow. Same amount of air, more or less, but a higher proportion of gas vapor.QED.