itpro is definitely a character that makes an impression on this forum. I think I've been on both sides of agreeing and disagreeing with him enough times to say that admire his experience and knowledge enormously, but don't necessarily agree with all his views... so far. And I've felt like I've incurred his wrath at times, only to realise he will take views (and sometimes playing devil's advocate) to the extreme. Not worth taking it too personally, he's one of the good guys in my view.
But this is one of the many threads where I've learnt a lot, maybe doubted some of the theory, but have come away knowing more. If no-one falls out permanently over it, it's all been worthwhile.
I'm going to quiz some of my favourite quick TKM drivers (and ex-drivers) and see if they subscribe to the itpro school of choking. Somehow I won't be surprised if they do. One of them told me early on that I'll need to learn to choke at some point.