Steve Cobb won 3 Super 1 rounds on an 07 barrel, that does not mean you will or your engine is as good, there will be quite big differences between individual hand finished 07 barrels, the 09/10 barrells are cnc finished as such there is less margin for difference. So net net if you are buying an engine 09/10 barrells are less likely to be off the pace, but if your 07 has been good in the past it will still be good when re-built. You say you cannot afford at 2010 engine but you prob could afford a 2010 barrell fitted to your bottom end. Most importantly when it comes down to it there is little difference between average and good engines lap times wise, if you are looking 10/ths you prob should be looking elsewhere maybe in the mirror? and that is said as politely and constructively as possible! enjoy your racing my friend