Read below this is a email from Graham smith to me ihave requested the last bit!!!
On 15th December I anticipated these requests and circulated the ABkC steering group members.� The outcome was that there was no support for clubs wishing to ban the use of the Vega slicks during the overlap from 1 January to 1 March. The decision was made at the September Steering Group meeting and promulgated in the October newsletter.� No club wrote to me to�question the decision of the steering group�until recently, after I started to see the issue being aired on the UKK forum that some clubs planned to ban Vega slicks.� It has always been the policy of the ABkC to allow an overlap of tyres whenever feasible so drivers can use up their stock.� In the case of the Rotax classes we took advice from JAG, who at the time were the only people who had tested the new bar coded Mojo and they advised there was very little difference in performance, and probably less difference than there has been between batches of Vega during 2010.� No one else would have been able to do any back to back tests until December at the earliest. � So on that basis the ABkC must reject any request to amend the regulations and�not to allow the use of Vega slicks during the overlap period.� The whole ethos of the ABkC is so drivers can freely move from one club to another and expect the same regulations. � However there may be a compromise position.� Although the club has said their request is in the interest of fairness in their club championship, in fact all the applications imply an across the board ban applying to members and guest drivers. � If the club was to put the request only in their championship regulations and make it clear in their SRs that guests, and club members who did not wish to be counted in that round of the club championship, could still use Vega's, I could undertake to re-circulate the request to the steering group for a decision.� I cannot of course anticipate if the result of the vote would be any different, but I could try on their behalf.� � Please let me know if the club wishes to proceed on that basis.� Best regards Graham Smith, Secretary, ABkC