I wouldn't say it's cheaper than the normal classes to compete in, you can do a seasons club racing in TKM for around the �1k mark and the same for Formula Blue (can't comment on Rotax as I've never raced one).
The difference is that in Easykart, you can't really spend anymore than �6k per season whereas in Super 1 (Rotax, TKM and KF) you can throw any amount of money you wish at it on new chassis/engines every race, multiple set of tyres to test on, club racing/testing every weekend etc. Since as you're only allowed 1 kart and engine in Easykart, you don't want to spend every weekend testing as you'll just wear out the equipment for when you need it. Plus the fact that there isn't a endless range of set-up variables to test unlike your average CIK chassis.
IMO, if it's national racing you're looking for then the two cheapest ways to becoming an outright national class champion are either in Easykart or the NKRA Formula Blue series. If you just want club racing on a budget then get down to your local club, see what classes are on offer and go from there.