i dont think the engine needing a rebuild would cause a sudden loss in revs unless something had actually broken. There are so many elements attached to these engines which can cause problems like this though it is often very hard to get to the bottom of. You need to spend a day testing (ideally at a track where you can go in and out as you please), change one thing at a time, start with the easy things like pulse pipe, baffle, wadding and fuel pump. Then look at coil, battery, jetting, reeds, power valve, loom...alternatively ask someone like adrian beddell to put it on his dyno although this isnt always conclusive! 162 is a richer jet than the 158 so you are putting more fuel into the engine basically. My theroy was the engine was running out of fuel half way down straight...other things can cause fuel starvation as well (like pulse pip, fuel pump etc). im happy to have a chat to you at Shenington when im there im number 27. Im still learning about this class as well but more than happy to share what i know...or dont!