This got out of hand really... Everyone is saying the same thing but arguing about it!
Every motor is different, yes. Traxtar said that in one of the first posts with one engine reaching 16,400 and one 15,000 on the same sprocket. As he said, in that scenario, of course the motor hitting 16,400 is going quicker, because it has exactly the same gearing on! So back to backing two motors with the same gearing will give you the answer as to which Motor is the strongest. So use that one!
But, as Dean said. IS 16,400 right for that circuit / motor? That's where you need to gauge yourself against the competition to be sure.
If its dry, personally I would start on 77 given that your son's a novice he probably won't be keeping his speed up through the corners. I ran 76 and 75 at the festival. Found the 76 worked better for me overall although I know some were using a 75.
Again, personally, I've never seen massive revs around Kimbolton and always been there or thereabouts. I'd say look for 15,700 -16,100. If you're seeing those sort of revs from 75 / 76 / 77 you're about right and can experiment from there.
Good luck! Enjoy it.