For an 010B in the dry, start with; Front width 1060mm(Centre of tyre) Rear Width 1395mm(Outer edge of tyres). Never use any torsion bars in dry. Camber should be +1mm positive camber with +1mm toe out, maybe -2mm Negative camber for Senior tyres. Camber and toe should be the last thing to change between wet and dry. I also advise to use Gillard Semi-Mag wheels or Gillard full mag wheels. Rear Axle should be a Soft or Medium Soft axle for Larger drivers, maybe a harder axle for little drivers.
For any seat measurements visit our website and click on the TG14 product and find measurements in the product detail: http://www.hendersonracing.co.uk/?cat=19810
If you want any more info on Gillard Karts, call me on 07884067126