(Speaking as a Honda (and ex Comer) Dad), it seems thoroughly nuts that a single and simple thing as the jets can have such a significant impact on the outcome of your day.
To see Dad's and (big name) teams alike lose half their practise time from arsing about with Comers is quite a depressing sight not least for the kids who when they do eventually get to go out are back in a few laps later when things have warmed up.
So with that in mind I very much hope that good things come of the new engine, the kids get more track time, that there are fewer Dad's looking like they're going to recreate the Fawlty Towers Gourmet Night sketch where Basil gives the car a "damn good thrashing", and selfishly I don't have to listen to any more Comers revving their spuds off.
(PS: Comer Dad's why do / did you do this to yourselves!)