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Notice Board (2-Stroke Karting)

Buzzing russell and non msa
Posted by 'Farrang' on 29 Jul 2012 @ 21:28

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Kai- i was just curious to find out the fastest AC 2 stroke motor, would like to get one and have a blast on it. Not for racing but just taking down the track when i feel the need for speed ! And to let Mark Morton blow out his cobwebs, i hear he is making a return......
Chris34- a minimum wieght for the TKMs would be good, also Senior and Junior should be seperate. Last meeting there was a junior who wieghed 6 stone wet with an extreme engine on, how can you compete against that when you wiegh 13 stone?

Russ I take some of your points on board but the whole point of the direct drive class was to allow just that, direct drive engines to race. It just so happens that they are mostly tkm's.

As for your comment about a junior weighing six stone with a tkm engine i assume your referring to us as my lad was probably the smallest there even tho he wieghs 7.5 stone and was running a junior engine restricted to the right weight so dont you think that evens it out.

If you look at the Extreme times and junior times at hooton they are pretty evenly matched so there was no junior there that day that was doing times that made me think they where blagging.

If you took the direct drive juniors out you would have to put them in the junior 2 stroke class or there would only be three of them and looking at the current state of msa racing that is one of the problems and as the junior two stroke runs rotax etc how is that then fair.

I agree a light guy with an extreme engine would have an advantage but that day your referring to was not one of them. they where just half decent junior drivers.

I think the solution would be to have an open tkm class with as you say a minimun weight but for juniors as well and then the juniors would eventually all extreme there engines and then you have the option of tuning too. I don't see the problem with juniors and seniors racing together as it is fairly clean at hooton and apart from one lad who was a bit crash happy but got punished it was proper non contact racing.

The other solution would be to lug all junior tkms together wether direct drive or not with junior blues providing enough turn up. The problem then is where do you put the junior rotax drivers as there is only a handful.

Back to the minimum weight. We did non msa cadets in 2011 and were 7kg over the msa weight and because there was no minimum set then we where giving away sometimes 15 kg's. We just had to live with it but we still won the odd meeting and got on the podium plenty and got placed in the championship.

Maybe a committee should be set up to sort these things out so its fair for evryone and not just people who have decided to ditch the MSA. I would enjoy being a part of that.

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Buzzing russell and non msa  by 'Farrang'  << You are here!
Re: Farrang  by 'buzzinrussell'   (31 Jul 2012 @ 12:42)
Re: Farrang  by 'Farrang'   (03 Aug 2012 @ 18:10)

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