How about....
Use an 'illegal tyre hot air / paint stripper gun'to pre-heat the engine by blowing hot air straight into the carb with the throttle open. Then run like hell to the pre-designated area and set the carb within ten seconds....
Apart from being bloody stupid and downright dangerous, I bet somebody will try it !! :)
If the long circuit gearbox karts can have an exception to the rule, why not the Comers as well ? I bet all the other classes could come up with some reason for an exception. Surely it should be down to the individual circuit to enforce this rule or not as they have to deal with the local noise pollution regulations.
I guess that it is just another badly thought out idea that has no doubt come as a knee-jerk reaction to some incident or other, rather than actually consulting the people involved in the sport - or is it just a conspiracy to make all the comer cadets switch over to the new engine..?