We ran EVR and had a similar problem which I tried all the usual things, none of which solved it.
Before you start looking at other systems, make sure you have done all you can to get the OTK system working - I believe it is an excellent system, but must be given attention to ensure it works and continues to work as designed. Remember, this is quality stuff you have and it is on there for a reason! ...I doubt if Tonykart have put any other system on their new chassis and they seem to be selling OK!!!!!
Both pistons in the master cylinder have to operate/travel at the same rate ......any air in the system will cause one side to work at a different rate than the other and could cause it to stick which may give you a binding. You can check if they are travelling the same etc by watching their movement as you apply pressure to the pedal.
I found it was quite suprising the amount of air in the system even though I considered the brake to be working well ..once bled CORRECTLY, this made a big difference.
Once I started to look a little 'deeper', I discovered that a very slight 'ridge' had developed on the bottom of one of the calipers where the brake pad sits and I suspect that with movement of the pad, the metal part of the pad was starting to wear away the material of the caliper and a 'ridge' had formed which actually started to prevent the pad returning as it should when pressure was released.
I removed the 'ridge' and that certainly had a positive effect.
..not saying it will definitely solve your problem, but worked for us
good luck