Hi all,
We are currently helping and supporting to introduce IKR Gearbox racing at 3 Sisters, the following is an open invitation to anyone that is interested. We also welcome any views or suggestions on how to shape things as ultimately we want to ensure those racing enjoy themselves and don�t have to spend a fortune in doing so!
First things first - THE KEY ISSUE we are looking to addressbased on feedback is the tyres as we know that is the biggest obstacle for a lot of drivers, currently the Dunlop DEH�s simply aren�t durable enough and so an alternative needs to be sought, certainly learning�s can be taken from previous attempts and the consensus is that the Kartline tyres previously trialled at 3 Sisters sacrificed too much performance for durability � therefore we need to find a middle ground. So there are two options, we can either start with an open tyre choice whilst a decision is made on a specific tyre to use, or we could decide on a tyre from the outset that at least the majority are happy with (ideally everyone) � this is really where the drivers need to have their input. We are open to suggestions and opinions on the way forward and any tyre type would like to put forward, we want to ensure they are cost effective and durable without taking away the enjoyment and experience of driving a gearbox kart.
We also want to keep things as simple as possible, as numbers increase then things can evolve and refine, as a starting point at least we are looking to run an open class so people can run what they have, with a standard minimum weight limit (probably around 180kgs), we are also discussing the circuit layouts we can use as we are aware the valley configuration isn�t great for gearbox karts so we are discussing the alternatives.
3 Sisters have been great so far and are really keen to help to make this work, the higher the numbers then obviously the stronger the collective position of the drivers becomes to be able to make requests for specific requirements so it really is a fantastic opportunity for all.
If you are interested in the above then please drop us an email at [email protected] and we will add you to an email distribution list we are creating, from there we can keep everyone up to date on progress as we continue to work with the team at 3 Sisters to get the racing up and running ASAP!
Thanks Jake