This is an extract taken from the ABKC website
Junior upper age change for 2014 Young drivers and parents should be reminded that from 2014 the upper age for juniors will come down a year to the end of the year of their 16th birthday. This was agreed last year and was highlighted in the November 2012 ABkC News. Since there was no adverse comments during consultation the regulation was approved by Council. The new U15.2.1 refers: � A Novice (14.1.2) Competitor may enter the Junior Class from their 11th birthday and continue until 31st December in the year of their 16th birthday.� And although the minimum age for transferring to most senior classes has also reduced by a year to the year of the 15th birthday (15th birthday for 125cc gearbox, but remains 16 for over 125cc gearbox) for National A licenced drivers (U. 15.3.2), class regulations will take precedence and no classes have so far applied for a change to the current year of 16th birthday. The rule remains that once a driver moves up to a MSA senior class, they may not revert.
Hope this helps