The old bearings will drop out when left in the oven for long enough.
Once you hear them drop out then clean them up and quickly put them back in the oven for about 15 mins to be sure they are hot enough. Then take a halve out of the oven and quickly get a bearing out of the freezer and try and line it up so the bearing drops straight in. If it drops at an angle then it won't fit, so you have to try and get it right first time as the bearing is quickly heating up and the crankcase halve quickly cooling down.
If you don't get it to drop in first time then tap it back out and put the halve back in the oven and the bearing back in the freezer.
When you do get it to drop straight then give the bearing a strong tap with a hammer and an old socket roughly the same size as the outer bearing ring to ensure the bearing is fully seated.
I then use a smaller socket and tap all around the bearing to make sure it's fully flush.
Then nurse your burnt fingers and prepare for oil flavoured chicken dinners for the next few weeks.