Ian, It would appear that we are going slight off subject here. Clearly you feel that Hacki is being wise but not realising the names and I'm sure a good solicitor would offer to support you (if someone was paying enough).
I am more interested in the good people who spend money supporting this sport and those who have bought second hand engine and now fear its legality. Im less interested in who did it and more on how we make sure we elliminate the non standard engine from circulation. I guess we are saying that anyone who does not know the entire history of their engines should consider having it checked.
I've already said that I would be happy to publish where I got my engines from. In the event that one of them was found to have an issue in the future, prehaps someone would try to suit me (which I would defend).
All that aside, this will go on for a long time and we will probably never get the truth for fear of all the legal costs.