I was just wondering if anyone had heard any more on the Honda Cadet class weight limit increasing to 103kg. I know the idea was posted around last year, but have not heard any more about it.
My son is 8 years old and his kart is only in the weight limit by 4 kg. By the time he is 9 he is going to be to heavy for this class and be competitive. While I can understand that adding weight can be a problem for young children due to the amount that has to be added to the kart, with the weight and size of children increasing I hope this is going to be looked at again. The increase could fill the gap between now and when he is able to move up.
We want to stay with Honda�s we have tried WTP, and found it unreliable, and Comers I understand are even worst. Both 2 stroke classes are frighteningly expensive to be competitive in. But with the light engines, and high base weight we are going to be left with little choice or stop karting till he is 11.
I would be grateful for your thoughts.