Hang on.....
That would imply that you PRACTICE ON the trolley but you RACE without it!
Let's check this... What's different about the kart in the pratice and the race?
If you mean that it's light steering on the TROLLEY and heavy when you drive it.... the answer is simple.... two actually!
1) You have MUCH too much CASTER angle. Part of the concept of Caster is to make the steering TRY to remain 'straight ahead'. It does that by making the steering 'heavier' to move FROM the straight ahead. Such heavy steering IS tiring in an endurance race
2) You have fitted a small steering wheel! We made the same mistake, years ago, and it DID hurt! Put on a proper or larger, flat top, steering wheel, The extra diameter gives you more leverage and reduces the effort needed to turn corners.
Finally, it may be that you have the chassis set up for APPALLING understeer, needing you to keep the lock SHOVED over just to get round the corner... that WILL be tiring. Give yourself more oversteer and that will make the chassis pass throuigh the corner on Zero lock thus reducing the amount of steering effort..... and making you quicker!