The easiest way of putting a new chain on is bu spliting it. But this can become difficult if you are using a blue 'O' ring chain.
If you do have time to take the axle out, you can hit the axle out using an 'axle drifter' from KKC. and use plently of WD40 on the axle before the bearings as this helps it slide, take out all the grub screws and put them in a secure location.
Hit the axle though and then put the chain through, you can either wrap the chain around the axle and then cover in duck tape, or you can cable tie the chain around the axle, using the bumper, bottom of the chassis and the top of the seat or exhaust support. But this way needs to be lubed often as it is expossed to the athmosphere.
But if your using a cush drive you can use a DID chain and just spilt the chain on and off. This is my perfered way as it takes more than half the time.