David, You want setting "one" with white springs for rolling starts (not sure if this is what they have at Teesside). Anything else is just too harsh. Out of the box they normally are set to one - you must have got the Irish ones!!
To change remove the circlip on the gear end of the shaft and slid out the shoe assembly from the drum. Using a small screwdriver simply prize (sp) the springs out of the one of the shoes, rotate around the spindle as required to get to setting one (lug at the far left as I recall) and refit the springs. This last bit can be a bit of a fiddle. There is an art to it but just make sure the spring ends are located over the silver retaining bar - otherwise they have a habit of falling off.
5,800 revs is about right (you don't want any more than this). Adding more teeth would do you more harm than good. Yes you might get the pull out of the corners, however, you would be lost on the flat out bits and Teesside has a whole load of these.