Spliting the Elite and Clubman classes seems like to much of an overhead.
A single grid will be easier to manage.
As regards a 40+ kart grid thundering down to the first corner... I've said this before, starts actually have to be faster. The front of the field are slowed down far to much bunching the middle of the grid.
If we were allowed to manage the speed (rather than being forced to almost walking pace) the grid would spread a bit, therefore less incidents at the first corner.
I'm not a club member and only an occational visitor, so it's not really my place to bring it up with the organisers. Someone should suggest trying something different with the pace at the start and see if it helps.
The reality is that you'll always have wheel banging at the first corner, but there are things that the pole man and organisers can do to lessen incidents by controlling the pace better and allowing a bit spread in the field.