I got bo11ocked big time last month both by my fellow drivers and the officials which i am not proud about. I also got a formal warning for what was, in fact, a handling problem - I was just lucky that the track observer knew the difference and a warning was all I received.
But our star driver got penalised 3 places for contact and I have seen black & white, Black and orange and the black flags shown. The marshals radio in the incidents and records are taken of the penaltys such that they becomme cumulative. KNE are stricter than MSA on the black & white.
Bad driving still happens but even the great and the good are treated exactly the same as the visiting driver.
I don't think you can compare the two and although we have id'd some engine cheating I think PF do this slightly better, Saying that we have a full race meeting with 5 classes and 125+ drivers...
You should come Mark - you know you want to!