PAce wise there is nothing between either chassis. Both sound like good deals to me (but the setup advice you have been offered is invaluable.
I have owned and driven both chassis and while my preference is the MS currently this is due to weight (my chassis is 5kg lighter than my 7Karts and means I am able to achieve the minimum weight limit) and the awesome support I receive from Howard Lucas, the MS importer. The MS is also not as physical to drive.
The 2008 7Kart should be a good one as a lot of work went into the jig and the lads at 7kart acrry a full stock of spares and offer a quick service via their web site. These chassis also have a very wide operating window from a setup perspective and once you find the base line for your circuit you will never be that far away. Saying that my MS is much the same except that small changes are noticable (particularly to tyre pressure adjustments).
In the same hands, correctly set up, the same engines and tyres there will be nothing between the karts in terms of performance and anyone that says anything otherwise is talking bull. Both vendors seem to be offering a lot of kit for decent cash. You aready have first hand experience of the MS guy (you will have learnt a lot in 2 hours and the offer of further support is invaluable) and you have found out on here that the 7kart chassis has done next to nothing. Difficult decision but I bet you will not be dissappointed with either.