It's probable that you don't know how to tighten the 'studs' into the hub in the first place. Because the studs have no head, you can't easily tighten them; this is what you do:-
1) get TWO nuts of the identical thread to the stud and fit them onto the studs without the wheel being in place.
2) Mount them far enoiugh onto the stud so that both have stub all the way through them.
3) Tighten the two nuts AGAINST each other but NOT against the carrier/hub. I.e, use two spanners at the same time and try to 'remove' the 'inner' nut while trying to 'tighten' the 'outer' nut. This will cause the two nuts to lock together.
4) Now, simply use the 'outer' nut like you would the head of a bolt and tighten the stud into the carrier/hub. If you use the 'inner' nut, it may simply seperate from the 'outer' nut.
5) Now simply unlock the two nuts from each other, remove both and you will have the stud firmly driven into the carrier/hub. End of problem!
By all means, use Loctite but that stuff is NOT supposed to be a 'glue'! It's just supposed to be a method of stopping vibration from loosening bolts/nuts. The key is to make sure the stud is FIRMLY screwed into the carrier/hub in the first place and then the locatite will do it's job properly!
Oh.... and finally.... 90% of people writing to this web site want 'help', thus a title of 'please help' is not exactly a great help! Place a precis of you question in the title; e.g.:
"Can't tighten stub into hub"
You'll get more and better answers.