There are additional logistical costs and considerations to driving a significant distance to each round and covering only one class.....and I have not yet discussed this with John...... but.... If EVERYONE wanted it, 100% and no exceptions... and were prepared to have an onboard camera on so we have the maximum footage available for editing, I will speak to John and discuss how we could make it happen. 100% support for it... and NO exceptions, minimum of 20 drivers (17 currently).
One option would be to film each round and cut a one and a half hour "Honda Cadet National Karting Championship" programme for tx at the end of the season, or even film both finals and tx a 30 minute programme 3/4 weeks after each round. Filming for a single tx at the end of the season could possibly be done within the existing entry price structure. Another option would be tofilm both finals and made a 30 min programme for each round, but there will be an additional cost implication. Not huge, no more than �20 extra per round perhaps to do it that way, due to the logistical costs associated with making a prog. for each event and covering only one class. You would be getting both finals covered though, and have your own dedicated programme, so increased exposure overall compared to the other classes, hence why there would be an additional cost. Don't shoot the messenger... I'm just doing some lateral thinking and trying to offer a solution for you to think about.
In the event TKM drivers decide they want to be included, there would potentially be five classes at these events. If that was the case, Honda Cadets would probably have their own single programme of all their finals in their own programme at the end of the season anyway. The reason for this would be that we can only cut in half hour programme lengths; Motors TV do not accept a 1hr 15m programme, only 1 or 1.5hr lengths, and with five classes, 5 into 4 means two classes into one part and less coverage. That's not acceptable to me or you. We would therefore make the Honda Cadet a standalone programme in the event TKM decide to go ahead, but release the footage on DVD for you after each round, so you have something to watch and show your supporters/sponsors as the championship progresses.
As I said, don't shoot the messenger...... I put it forward only as an option for you to consider in the event TKM decide not to have the TV, and you have 100% Honda Cadet drivers that do want it.
"Why does it have to be 100%?" I hear someone ask.....
Because if it's only one class of 20 drivers, 80% say yes, 20% no, then we run the risk of having 4 drivers drop out because they don't want to pay the additional costs, and a grid of 16, which is okay at the start, but could end up as a grid of 10 by the final round.... not great TV. Ideally, I would like to see 25 drivers as a minimum at the start, and maybe by offering the exposure, it will encourage a greater number of entries.... who knows?
Can I just make this point again...... It is NOT just about the TV coverage.... We are making a film record of your childrens' memories they will treasure for the rest of their lives. Ask my son if that's worth it.... he watches the few races he was filmed winning at club and national events constantly..... as do others I know of, as I'm always asked to replace worn out DVD's. So whether it's an extra �65, �85, or �185....If you have one good result in the season... and in 20 years time I ask you was the film record of that day worth the increase in entry fees.... you will probably not remember that there was any debate about the additional cost. TV exposure is great at the time.... The film record itself is more valuable over time. Ask anyone with some old 16mm film of their parents playing in the garden when they were kids if that's a memory worth having; I hope that thought puts everything in perspective.