Regardless what you have as budget you just need to make sure it it straight and legal.
Have a good look around and ask as many questions as you feel necessary but don't, whatever you do, buy the 1st kart you look at and if you can be careful what you see on ebay - most of those are crap.
For legal you are going to have to take a little on trust but you want standard, unmodified engines (race tuned if you can get them). But no trick bits.
For straight as a rough guid with the kart on the level with tyre pressures equal simply turn the steering wheel full lock one way and measure the lift of the outside wheel (your hand will do) and then do the same the other direction. The lift should be roughly the same. If it is different ask if the castor is set the same and check that the rear wheels are the same distance in from the end of the axle. If these are both the same it could be a sign of a twisted or bent chassis.
A straight free spinning axle is also a measure of kit that has been cared for - don't be scared to give it a spin and see if the wheels wobble or not and whether it runs free.
These are very basic I realise but at least it will show to a seller that you are not a tyre kicker