Its a tricky one with Money as far as circuits are concern but our club series doesn't make anything like a a good corporate day would make.
Stretton has quite good grids, We have around 20 Honda's, we run a Junior twin 160 class with around 5-6 drivers running at the moment, (although its only in its 2nd year so word is still spreading), we have just introduced an open class which in addition to 5 or 6 Thunderkarts we are attracting a good following of Rotax drivers and the subaru class should, at the April round, be back up to somewhere in the region of 20. We run 4 different layouts throughout the year and at the last round in March had something in the region of 47 Drivers. Stretton have always run the series with drivers in mind and we do it because it gives us a bit of light relief from the grind of normal corporate stuff.
However, even with a good turnout, we only take around half the revenue that we would on a similar corporate day as we only charge �35.00 to race (�25.00 for juniors) so the series, over the 10 or so years that it's run has "lost" money everytime.
The upside to this is that we have a vibrant club with great people involved, testing (which is �20.00 for a day) means that there is something going on all the time which in return gives the circuit a buzz when the corporates arrive, so, despite the series not making money, we think the positives of having the series and of having "proper Karts" around the place far outweigh the financial downside.