Hi nobby ,glad to see someone else has discovered the eco ,great underated engines and massively over engineered.as nick has said the engine is capable of much more torque by fitting the klx 300 cylinder or having the 250 bored and replated to 292 cc,throw the standard carb in your nearest recycing bin,and look on ebay for a dellorto 36mm .eurocarb were clearing some of these for about 80 quid.most of us using this engine have fabricated our own exhaust front pipe as the standard is massively restricted.if you do go down the 300cc route the piston will need the valve cut outs remachined to reverse the piston by 180 degrees as the crank runs backwards on the eco compared to the kawasaki that runs forwards,the piston pin is offset in the piston so is not as easy as just fitting an off the shelf kawasaki or forged wiesko equivalent.if you want any more info email me on [email protected],i have loads of spares ,not that you should need them ,the only part that lets go is the big end cage,change that every 50 hrs and thats it.