You may be correct about the 'location of the break' when an axle breaks but I think you are pushing it to suggest it's the 'dimples' which CAUSES the breaks!
Yes, scratches and rough spots will often be the starting point but.... the EXACT location where you 'drill' the dimples is ALREADY the location where -'collar' is the fulcrum of that leverage system. With or without 'dimple's, that is the EXACT spot where the break is most likely to occur!
For precision, without the dimples, the act of applying the grub screws will ALSO apply a 'focus' for the 'break'..... as will all the key-way-grooves. Strictly, the dimples should be done in such a manner (smoothly) so that it REDUCES the 'focus' of the 'irregularity' from where cracks can radiate.