If it's a 'corporate' Wright, then it will have the main pair of side-rails extended beside your ankles all the way to the front-most hoop. If that's the case, then we made the EXACT modifications you mentioned to fit a centre tank.
It's not that easy as you need to weld a new steering hoop as the original one will not allow the rear-most part of the tank between the steering-hoop. It also needs mild heating and distorting of the tank to fit behind the steering column.... but it CAN be done and it CAN work! So can using the much cheaper 'Rotax' style fuel pumps which work perfectly!
If yours is this type of Wright, I can send you photos if you post your email address.
097 would usually indicate 1997 in a Wright.... ours are 099..... and you can guess the date of those!
You can always phone Nick (nicest bloke in karting today!) at the factory.... via this web site:-