99% the Black Pilot Jet, its got a Black screw holding it in place that adjusts the tick over on top of it, clean out with carb cleaner and it should be fine, just be careful not to trap the small "O" ring when you put it back in.
Its worth also if you do not do, every meeting, drain the fuel bowel and clean out the other smaller one, its the WATER TRAP, this will help keep any dirt out of the carb.
And also Take off and drain the fuel tank every few meetings, water/dirt will build up, this is the best way to STOP IT.
last be not least, for a £1.00 or so, change the fuel filter year year.
The Black pilot Jet, its worth keeping two in your tool box, its faster just to put a New or pre cleaned one in and I am sure your freinds will buy you a coffee if you have one as a For Sale Spare :)
Good luck,
Cheers Trev