Ok. So think about this for a second. SPs are ready an equaliser and clubman/novices believe this is the biggest difference.
So we go down the overbite route. Don't you think there will be sp overbores and don't you think that everyone who races to win rather than simply take part would simply seek out these new engines? The outcome the differential would actually become greater as our elite drivers will be better placed to make use of the additional power.
Martin's sprint series will be a success by using regs that have been relatively stable for a few years. Epec, WL and PF already have successful series. Honda cadet is growing. Why?? Returning to old rules would be a backward step especially as there have been so many advancements in tuning the STD gx160. Trev will be on again later trying to get the weight reduced to 172kg
the only thing I would propse as a chance would be the use of yds as a slick, perhaps for elite only which would bring us into line with the rest of most prokarting but what we have now works and has done for years so what is the point. We already have a full grid.