thanks for the replys, we do know bob at teesside but didnt really want to ask him as we are setting up a new track just down the road from him in redcar so he might not be too happy ! saying that havent spoke to him for about a year, last time we were there racing our gearbox karts. Only reason i say the BIZ karts were a bit steep at 2.5k was when we looked into this about 18 months ago the BIZ karts were about 1.8k just seemed the prices had shot up over that time, and dave at teesside was telling me they paid 1200 for there new karts so was thinking they must be different make from the BIZ karts. Funds arnt a problem for buying the karts but the same as anything you want the best deal that your money can get. I will give warden law a bell have a chat with them as they are way up the coast from where we are setting up. Thanks again guys :)