Where do you get those nuggets from? The GX160 fires at 25 degrees before TDC, the tolerence within the engines is tiny, by parts selecting you could find possibly find, a still noticable on the dyno, fraction of a degree. But there is no option to advance or retard, outside of standard parts, but if you could everyone would take 2 degrees, nothing is going to move once bolted up.
As for having no effect, the GX120 has two timing options 20 degrees and 25 degrees, the difference shown, time and time again by virtue of just changing a flywheel trackside, is almost exactly a second per lap, which usually equates to something like 0.6hp on the Dyno. The difference on a pair of 160 going from 25 to 33 is going to be less overall, but if it's not noticable in your lap time.........
Having siad that the change is small enough to need a Dyno or at the very least back to back runs on the track.