A dyno in a controlled in environment tends not to lie...
It's down to how viscose the oil is isn't it. The theory goes that since the GX 160 splashes the oil about to lubricate itself, the thiner the oil the less resistance the crank gets the faster the it will rev.
So when hot if CP is thinner than 5/30w, you should find a differnce, is it measurable, in real terms who knows?
I know of someone who found that using 0.4 of litre of chain lube worked the best on the dyno. I'm talking a significant amount. Unfortunatly the motor lasted 3 laps before seizing, once tested in the real world! Those dyno's can tell you pretty stupid things that dont always translate.
I've had pair of motors on the dyno that appear weaker than another pair, yet you take them to certain type of circuit and they blow the 'bigger' ones away. There are too many variables factor in on top of the very 1 dimentional bench test that the dyno is doing. A dyno will basicaly tell you if your motors are pants or fast(ish).
I use CP and change it everytime, the motors probably only get 2 hours of running between oil changes. I'd do the same regardless of what I used.