I think this site provides all that you require. I know you have asked advice on here recently and recall that your questions have all been answered. Any other site would have the same contributors only we would require to look at several sites and that would lead to something being missed.
Prokarting is fragmented in the UK. Good support at Warden Law in the North East and PF for sprints with 3 sisters for 2 hour enduro in the North East. Nationally next year sees the launch of the Honda Challenge for 2011 for sprinting and the continuance of EPEC for enduro. Other clubs also have there own series with various level of quality and support, however, it was interesting at Kartmania last year of the number of suggested prokart series that were being proposed and not one, as I recall, got off the ground (and that includes an enduro at Rowrah and Warden Law!). Why? The class does not have critical mass. Support, however, continues go grow and the future looks stable.