We have run Prokart endurance events for the last 16 years. Usually on the second Saturday of each month, the races are 4 hrs long in addition to a qualifying period. Testing during the day, subject to a minimum grid, is exclusive to Prokart drivers. Although run to a set of rules and regs., the racing is always friendly and the pit lane atmosphere is fantastic.
2010 saw huge grids of Owner Driver Prokarts �ONLY� and as such offer the opportunity for teams racing in other championships to join in on �non-clashing� rounds and in addition to our regular 25+ teams one or two rounds hit 30+!
Racing commences in February with the �infamous� Winter Cup, followed by a 9 round championship running from March to November.
Winter Cup (�One Off� race, a great way for New teams to meet the gang, Old teams to blow off the cobwebs and our Race Crew to prepare for the forth coming season!)
19th Feb 2011
Summer Championship (9 point scoring rounds, 8 of which count)
R1. 12th March R2. 9th April R3 14th May R4 11th June R5 9th July R6 13th August R7 10th September R8 8th October R9 12th November
Own dedicated website : MSA rules but NOT licenced : Scruitineered : 3 Classes all with trophies : Ambulance Attended : Novices, Inters. and Pro�s welcome : Onsite shop : Caf�/bar/restraurant : Spectator and hospitality areas.
For entry details contact John on 01992 460895 ext 2, or, [email protected]