Bod..... you are a '...bear of little brain..', so I'll explain some of this to you.
1) Paul behaves as an 'expert' on a number of karting matters. 2) Paul has said some things which make it OBVIOUS to those who ARE karters that Paul doesn't HAVE A CLUE about karting..... and has a very limited knowledge of most OTHER 'things' too. 3) This lead a number of us to doubt his claims about how 'informed he was'. 4) Some of us began to suspect that he may be about 12 years old and dreaming of a sport in which he, at the moment, has NOT competed. He may have WATCHED races but it's clear he doesn't RACE! 5) We asked him to say SPECIFICALLY when and where and whom..... and he can't give details...... not WON'T give details...... as we'd soon find out how little karting he HAS done.
Now.... if I told you EXACTLY how to make a Dundee Cake....... but was blatantly talking TRIPE.... I then shouted down others who were giving sensible advice about Dundee Cakes, actually gave advice about Cupcakes when trying to advise on Dundee Cakes without REALISING that I had done so and so on....... wouldn't you ask 'what the HELL do YOU know about Dundee Cakes?'.
If I then told you that I had won National Awards for my Dundee Cakes..... and yet I STILL made 'howlers' about the recipe...... would it be THAT bizarre of you to ask me WHAT 'National Award's I'd won and.... more appropiately... who the HELL I was.....?
If I repeatedly REFUSED to tell you any of the above..... are you HONESTLY saying you'd STILL take my advice about Dundee Cakes......?
As if!