Generally speaking engines get faster over time as they loosen, but you do need to service them as appropriate.
I'm not engineer by any means, all I know is what those more savvy on here have said. Not long ago there was a thread about when to do the top end service on a brand new set of engines and the consensus was 10 hours - if you don't you risk damage. After that I presume there is vastly less risk of damage as they're now settled and bedded in - full rebuilds after every 35 / 45 hours should ensure optimal performance I'd say.
I may be way of the mark with this - but applying a little logic: if the the head distorts then it the valve won't be perfectly centered - thus when its moved it'll bend. Maybe someone can shed a more educated eye on it?
I wouldn't worry though Fin, aslong as that is all is damaged, get it replaced and ground back in - you should notice a good difference when you get the engines back; we noticed a good performance gain when we had our heads done after 10 hours.