just might do that Kai... definitely got the bug back. We won a 2 hour enduro at Three Sisters last night. We were last after the 3rd lap with a duff kart. Ended up winning 3 laps up.
Anyway, think you've nailed it for me. We're going to get the Biland going and go on the hunt for another one as my race partner is 5"6 and i'm 6"1 so doesn't really compute!
shame all the others are not coming out to play, maybe we can coax them out with a few choice threads ;)
Would love it in a few years time when we're doing enduro's in the Bilands and sprints in Aixros. I could only manage 5 laps flatout in that thing at PF, after that was completely shot! What a machine. Anyone who says 2-strokes are as quick as an Aixro is avin-a-laugh!!