Following on from the thread above, which is full:
A lot of money indeed, but: 1) I feel I get what I�ve paid for 2) it�s relative: a brand new, bells & whistles kart outfit around the �9k mark would still be significantly less than many of the fancier motorbikes. Also look at BRP�s far more important business � Rotax is fringe to them � of Sea-Doos, which are around �13-15k. All of the above are �Sunday toys� but many more people buy the latter. So there�s a big market for expensive motorised toys, but only a fraction of the spend goes to karting. Not all karting has to be �cheap�, or be desperate to give that appearance (we know it�s mostly a falsehood anyway). Conversely, there is clearly a market for karting equipment that�s �as good as it gets�.
As for F6 and Aixro, that�s a non-starter: F6 is MSA, and �. Besides, I�m sure the existing F6 folk wouldn�t want to make time to fit in another class with heats and finals to run in a busy single day. Plus our current structure � of visiting a variety of tracks around the country as well as on the continent (this October) � seems to be popular among Aixro owners. We have respectable grids with this set-up: 15 yesterday was a touch disappointing, but we�ll get more.