Hello again, Nick. The thing surely is, though, that the Rotax isn�t actually so crappy; my experience with my son�s Junior is certainly one of very good reliability (apart from the old-generation clutch). So when you put that together with the power of the only truly large company involved in karting � I don�t see Honda�s involvement as direct � behind it and very attractive relative pricing, it�s no wonder that the MAX predominates. Other players in the market, including the ones we�re talking about above, might as well accept their niche position and play by different rules to genuinely set themselves apart. Hence I included KZ2 in my �price comparison�, but not Rotax. Aixro (oops, I�ve said it) has gone a long way to achieve that: not only is the engine itself as different as can be, but it also comes with a great club atmosphere. The Dutch/Belgians have that combined with VT250; a very good match, I would have thought. But I�ll know a lot more about that after this weekend. One thing is for sure: insisting on playing by rules that the anti-4-stroke establishment has written is a road to nowhere; it�s playing into their hands. Nor should or need all products in the market be �cheap�: there is a rightful place for �premium� products.